Basin 306 Neighborhood Pump Station Rehabilitations – Group 3

Basin 306 Neighborhood Pump Stations Rehabilitation group 3 map


There are 27 wastewater pump stations (PS) within Wastewater Basin 306. They are divided into three phased efforts including design and construction. Rehabilitation work includes replacement of all mechanical and electrical equipment, protective lining of the wet wells and site improvements. Rehabilitation is necessary to ensure a continued high level of utility service for the community. Included in Group 3 are nine pump stations:

PS 303.03  2840 Bayview Drive
PS 303.05  23356 Washington Avenue
PS 304.02  4060 Bayshore Drive
PS 304.03  3018 Lunar Street
PS 304.07  8048 Bayshore Drive

PS 304.08  9 Republic Drive
PS 304.09  9345 Bayshore Drive
PS 304.10  4345 Lighthouse Lane
PS 304.11  1708 Windstar Boulevard

Contractor:  To be determined (TBD)
Cost:  TBD
Construction commencement date:  TBD
Construction completion date:  TBD